


Or “dental assistance,” as it should be called, is designed to help pay part of the cost of your dental treatment. Dental insurance is a highly complex subject and patients have a number of misconceptions about it. Dental insurance is a contract negotiated between your employer and a dental insurance company-and not our dental office. The benefits you receive, or don’t receive, are based on the terms of the contract negotiated between your employer and the insurance firm.

The range of services provided are based on the cost of the policy to your employer and the scope of treatment that is “covered” by the insurance firm. The simple fact is that many needed dental services may not be covered for you and your family in order to reduce costs to your employer.

Dental insurance companies rarely cover 100% of dental services needed, and in some cases they cover 50% or less of the costs of needed services that are legitimately indicated.

Our goal as oral health professionals is to help you and your loved ones achieve and maintain the highest level of oral health that modern dental science and technology can deliver.

While dental insurance was not designed to pay all of the costs of treatment, we will do our best to help you maximize its benefits. Whenever possible, our knowledgeable staff will estimate your co-payment for that day’s treatment and submit to your insurance company for the balance. As a courtesy to our patients, we are happy to process insurance claims (often electronically, on the same day as your visit) for you at no charge.

Feel free to inquire with the office staff regarding any questions that you may have about your dental insurance.

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